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IAU Colloquium No. 197Dynamics of Populations of Planetary SystemsAugust 31 - September 4, 2004 |
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Second Announcement
Scientific Organizing Committee: Z. Knezevic (Serbia and Montenegro) and A. Milani (Italy) (Co-chairmen), Joseph A. Burns (USA), Rudolf Dvorak (Austria), Sylvio Ferraz-Mello (Brazil), Claude Froeschle (France), John D. Hadjidemetriou (Greece), Anne Lemaitre (Belgium), Vladimir Porubcan (Slovakia), Giovanni B. Valsecchi (Italy)
Local Organizing Committee: Ivan Pakvor (Chair), Milan Cirkovic, Rade Pavlovic, Slavica Pavic, Ivana Damjanov, Natasa Todorovic
Contact address:
Venue: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73
Scientific rationale: The progress in computing results in the possibility to compute numerically the orbit of a single celestial object in almost all problems, even when there are close approaches and in other highly unstable cases. This has, however, only moved forward the frontiers of research in Dynamical Astronomy. Now the goal is to study the dynamical behavior of entire populations of celestial bodies, either real (observed) or only hypothetical (simulated). Thus the contributions need to focus their presentations both on the populations (such as asteroids, comets, meteors; dust particles and rings; swarms of planetesimals; space debris; extra solar planets; virtual objects expressing the uncertainty of orbit determination) and on the methods and theoretical tools (analytical theories; chaotic diffusion; non gravitational perturbations; family classification; population modeling and transport; symplectic integration; graphic representation of the results) which can be used for one or more population. A more extensive scientific rationale and a list of suggested topics are available on the web site.
Sylvio Ferraz Mello
Resonance and Stability of
Extra-solar Planetary Systems
Alessandro Morbidelli
Asteroid population models
Hans Rickman
Transport of comets to the inner solar
Andrzej Maciejewsky
Fitting orbits
Fred Adams
Formation and migration of extrasolar
Jacques Henrard
Planetary Three-body Problem Revisited
Rudolf Dvorak
Our Solar System as model for Exosolar Planetary
SESSION 3 Wednesday 11:00 COMETS
Gonzalo Tancredi, J. Virtanen and K. Muinonen
The Transfer from the TransNeptunian Region to the
Jupiter Family of Comets
Arika Higuchi
Transport of Comets to the Outer Planetary System
Giovanni-Federico Gronchi
The computation of the MOID for cometary
Vacheslav Emel'yanenko
Dynamical evolution of comets from
high-eccentricity trans-Neptunian orbits to near-Earth space
Lubos Neslusan
The distributions of angular elements of new
Piotr A. Dybczynski
Long term dynamical evolution of the Oort cloud
comets: galactic and planetary perturbations
Ji-Lin Zhou
Dynamical Evolution of Extrosolar Planetary
Eiichiro Kokubo
Dynamics of Planetesimals
John Hadjidemetriou and D. Psychoyos
Dynamics of Resonant Extrasolar Systems: 5/2
and 7/3 Resonances
Evgeny Griv
Formation of the Solar System by Gravitational
SESSION 5 Wednesday 17:00 SPACE DEBRIS
Alessandro Rossi
Population models for space debris
Ernesto Vieira Neto
The Orbital Evolution of Space Debris Particles
Cloud at GPS Altitudes
Vasile Mioc, M. Anisiu and M. Stavinschi
Symmetric periodic orbits in
proto-stellar systems
Elke Pilat-Lohinger
Planetary motion in double star systems: The
influence of the secondary
Daniel Benest
Planetary orbits in double stars : Infuence of the
binary's orbital eccentricity
Fernando Roig
Asteroid Proper Elements: Recent
Computational Progress and Impact of Mass Production
Anne Lemaitre
Family Classification from Very Large
Hans Scholl
The Mars Trojans may be some of the oldest small
asteroids in the terrestrial planet region
Mikael Granvik
Asteroid identification at discovery
Andrea Milani
Virtual Asteroids and Virtual
Giovanni B. Valsecchi
The size of collision solutions in orbital
elements space
Jenni Virtanen
Asteroid impact risk assessment at discovery: The
case of 2004 AS1
Steven R. Chesley
Impact Probabilities from Single Night Asteroid
Giacomo Tommei
Nonlinear impact monitoring:1-Dimensional or
2-Dimensional sampling of confidence region?
Harry Varvoglis
Diffusion in the asteroid belt
Claude Froeschle
Numerical Evidence of global Arnold Diffusion in
quasi-integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Massimiliano Guzzo
On the determination of mixed resonances in the
Solar System
Slobodan Ninkovic and Zoran Knezevic
Reliability of Lyapunov
Characteristic Exponents Computed over Finite Intervals of Time
Li-Chin Yeh
The Chaotic Orbits and Formation of Kirkwood Gaps
Hal Levison
Interaction of planetesimals with the giant
planets and the shaping of the transneptunian belt
Kleomenis Tsiganis
Non-steady migration of the outer planets:
Effects on the inner solar system
Ing-Guey Jiang
On the Resonant Capture of Kuiper Belt Objects
Matija Cuk
Resonances Near the Orbit of 2003 VB12 (Sedna)
Thomas Kotoulas and G. Voyatzis
Bifurcations of periodic orbits and potential
stability regions in Kuiper belt dynamics
Steven R. Chesley
Nongravitational Perturbations on
David Vokrouhlicky
Non-Gravitational Perturbations and
the Evolution of the Asteroid Main Belt
David Chapek
Yakovsky effect determination in complex
M. Broz, D. Vokrouhlicky, A. Morbidelli, D. Nesvorny, F.
Yarkovsky-driven origin of the unstable population of asteroids in
the 2:1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter
William Bottke
Origin and transport of meteorites
Patrick Michel
Collisions between asteroids at the catastrophic
disruption threshold
Sergei Ipatov and J. C. Mather
Migration of small bodies and dust to the terrestrial
David P. O'Brien and R. Greenberg
The Collisional and Dynamical
Evolution of the Main-Belt, NEA and TNO Populations
Christos Efthymiopoulos
Formal Integrals and Nekhoroshev Stability for the Trojan Asteroids
SESSION 12 Saturday 09:00 METEORS
David J. Asher
The dynamical structure of meteor streams
and meteor shower predictions
Galina Ryabova
A mathematical model of the Geminid meteoroid
Vjera Miovic and S. Nedeljkovic
Forward-Scattering of Meteors: A Digital Way
Stefan Gajdos and V. Porubcan
Bolide meteor streams
Ferenc Szenkovits , E. Garda-Matyas, Z. Mako and I. Csillik
Necessary Conditions of the Capture and
Applications to the NEAs
SESSION 13 Saturday 11:00 DUST
Mark Wyatt
The Origin and Evolution of Dust Belts
Josef Klacka and M. Kocifaj
Invariant of motion for interstellar dust captured in
the Solar System
Miroslav Kocifaj, J. Klacka and H. Horvath
Nonspherical dust in exterior resonances with
Alex Rosaev
Some effects of gravity interactions between ring’s
particles on the structure of planetary rings
Edouard D. Kouznetsov and K. V. Kholshevnikov
Behaviour of a
Two-Planetary System on a cosmogonic time-scale
Ernesto Vieira Neto
The Use of the Two-Body Energy to Study
Problems of Escape/Capture
Galina Ryabova, I.P. Williams, A.P. Baturin and A.M. Chernitsov
Asteroid 2003 EH1 and the Quadrantid meteoroid
Galina Ryabova
On the dynamical consequences of the Poynting-Robertson drag caused by solar wind
Eugene Poliakow
Numerical Modelling of the Paleotidal Evolution of
the Earth-Moon System
Yu. V. Barkin, J.M. Ferrandiz
Tide elastic energy in planetary
systems and its dynamical role
Yu. V. Barkin, J.M. Ferrandiz, V.G. Vilke
Celestial Mechanics of
planet shells
Masaya Masayoshi Saito
Rectilinear three-body problem using
symbolic dynamics
Alex Rosaev
Notes to Jupiter and Saturn irregular satellite breakup
Kailash C. Sahu
A Planetary Transit Survey towards the Galactic
Bulge Using HST
Denis L. Gorshanov, N. A. Shakht, E. V. Polyakov, A. A. Kisselev
of 61 Cygni at Pulkovo with 65 cm refractor
Natalia Shakht
Astrometric observations of 51 Peg and Gliese 623 at
Pulkovo observatory with 65 cm refractor
Zoltán Makó, I. Csillik, F. Szenkovits and E. Garda-Matyas
Classification of NEAs with Artificial Neuronal
Rodica Roman
The Restricted Three-Body Problem. Comments on the
Photogravitational Effect
Aleksandar Tomic and Dj. Koruga
Asteroid belt and dynamical arrangement of the
Solar System to the neighbouring star and background radiation
Tapan Chatterjee
Orbital Evolution of Planetesimals to Planets
Stefan Berinde
Searching for gravity assisted trajectories to
accessible near-Earth asteroids
Stéphane Valk
Early warnings and shooting stars for too short
Galina Ryabova
On the dynamical consequences of the
Poynting-Robertson drag caused by solar wind
Sasa Nedeljkovic, V. Miovic, D. Milisavljevic, B.C. Netterfield and U. Pen
Detection of meteors with a digital RF spectrometer: A
Science Overview
Alvaro Alvarez-Candal
The role of Resonance Stickiness in the
dynamical transfer of comets to the Asteroid Belt
Miguel de Val Borro
Disk instabilities and vorticity generation by
giant planets in disks
Miguel de Val Borro
High resolution accretion flow onto planets
embedded in protoplanetary disks
Benoît Noyelles
The k:k+4 resonances in planetary systems
Milan M. Cirkovic
Boundaries of the Habitable Zone: Unifying
Dynamics, Astrophysics and Astrobiology
Mihailo Cubrovic
Regimes of Stability and Scaling Relations for the
Removal Time in the Asteroid Belt: A Simple Kinetic Model and Numerical
Pawel Kankiewicz
The motion and stability of some
large-eccentricity Near-Earth Asteroids
Pavol Pastor and J. Klacka
Poynting-Robertson effect and capture of
grains in exterior resonances with planets
Michal Kocer
KLENOT -- Near Earth and Other unusual objects
Dionyssia Psychoyos
Dynamics of 2/1 Resonant systems: Application
to HD 82943
Edi Bon and M. M. Cirkovic
Andjelka Kovacevic and M. Kuzmanoski
Masses of (1) Ceres and (4) Vesta
derived from new close encounters
Slobodan Ninkovic and V. Trajkovska
A mass estimate for a sample
of nearby stars
Dragomir Olevic and Z. Cvetkovic
The Absolute-Magnitude
Distribution for Asteroids as Function of Kinetic Momentum and Jacobi's
K. Muinonen, J. Virtanen, M. Granvik and T. Laakso
inversion of orbits for moderately observed asteroids
Florian Freistetter
Recurrent Ordered Motion in Chaotic Systems
Mikael Granvik
Statistical inversion of exoplanet orbits using
radial velocity data
Teemu Laakso
Protective effect of giant planets
Josef Durech
433 EROS - Comparison of Times of Lightcurve extrema from 1901-1938 with the actual rotation states
Rade Pavlovic
The Fulfillment of Geometrical Condition for Application of the Theorem of Nekhoroshev in Koronis Family
Goran Damljanovic and N. Pejovic
Improved Proper Motions of some Hipparcos Stars via Long Term Classical Observations
There will be 30 min invited talks and 15 min contributed talks.Times include discussion. There will also be poster sessions. Constraints on the poster size will be provided soon. You are kindly requested to submit your abstract by June 1st, 2004.
August |
31, Tuesday, |
13 - 18 |
registration |
15 - 15.30 |
Opening Ceremony |
16.30 - 18 |
sessions |
19 |
Reception in Town Hall |
September |
1, Wednesday, |
9 - 12.30 |
sessions |
15 - 18.30 |
sessions |
18.30 - 20 |
poster sessions |
2, Thursday, |
9 - 12.30 |
sessions |
14 - 20 |
half - day excursion (optional) |
20 |
visit to Belgrade Astronomical Observatory |
3, Friday, |
9 - 12.30 |
sessions |
15 - 18.30 |
sessions |
18.30 - 20 |
poster sessions |
21 |
Closing Dinner (optional) |
4, Saturday, |
9 - 12.30 |
sessions & Closing Ceremony |
5, Sunday, |
9 |
full - day excursion (optional) |
Coffee-breaks and Posters : 10.30 - 11 and 16.30 - 17 every working day.
All sessions will be held in the Ceremonial Hall of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Video beam, overhead projectors and slide projectors will be available. If you have special requests, please let us know well in advance to ensure a successful solution. PC, e-mail and internet access as well as photo-copying machine will also be available.
The language of IAU Coll. 197 will be English.
The proceedings will be published as refereed papers in a volume of the IAU Colloquia series, to appear not later than six months after the meeting. The authors will be requested to bring the manuscript to the meeting, and will have a maximum of 4 weeks after the meeting to revise it.
Grants from the IAU are available to support a number of participants. The participants requiring a grant must apply using IAU official Application form which can be found on web page grants . The Form must be sent by mail (Dr Zoran Knezevic, Volgina 7, 11160 Belgrade 74, Serbia and Montenegro) or fax (+ 381 11 2419 553) not later than April 1, 2004.
Registration: Please fill in Registration form provided at web page registrationform
The registration fee is 180 euro provided it is paid not later than June
1, 2004, or 200 euro for late registration. This includes a
copy of the proceedings, the abstract book, the other material distributed to
participants, and the administrative costs. Registration fee for accompanying
persons is 80 euro if is paid not later than June 1, 2004, or 100 euro for late
registration and includes free participation to all excursions organized for
accompanying persons.
Payment of registration fee ( participants and accompanying persons) can be
done only by bank transfer direct to Komercijalna
Banka AD Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro, Account number : 5443-07084650, Name
: "Drustvo astronoma Srbije" , quoting "for Coll 197". All bank
costs to be borne by the ordering party.
BLZ 500 700 10 | |
ACCOUNT WITH: | / 935966200 - EUR |
SV.SAVE 14 | |
BLZ 99900158 | |
BENEFICIARY: | Acc. No : 5443-07084650, |
Name : "Drustvo astronoma Srbije", quoting "for Coll 197". | |
Address: Volgina 7, 11160 Belgrade 74, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO |
IAU Grants Applications | April 1, 2004 |
Submission of Abstracts | June 1, 2004 |
Early Registrations | June 1, 2004 |
Cancellations | August 1, 2004 |
Accommodation: For all information and arrangements related to accommodation and hotel bookings, participants can contact travel agency FIN TRAVEL CLUB , 11000 Belgrade, Kosovska 51, Serbia and Montenegro,Tel: + 381 11 3347 640, Fax: + 381 11 3347 644, e-mail: office@fintravelclub.co.yu
The participants who prefer to stay in student dormitory (11-12 euro per night) are kindly requested to contact directly Local Organizing Committee. At the Student Dormitory only double rooms are available, so please indicate in the Registration Form the name of the other participant with whom you would be prepared to share the room. Please note that hotels Metropol, Slavija, Park as well as Student Dormitory are within walking distance (5-10 min) from Faculty of Civil Engineering, where the meeting is held.
Breakfast is included at the rate of your room and will be served in your hotel. An optional lunch will be organized only for participants and accompanying persons in the vicinity of the meeting venue. The price will be given in the Final Program.
Closing dinner:
Closing dinner will be held on Friday , Sept. 3. Price will be given in the Final Program. If you wish to attend please indicate this in the Registration Form.
Accompanying program:
Program will include a Belgrade Sight-seeing Tour, excursions to nearby interesting sights, excursion to the naive painters village, fashion shows, shopping tours and folklore performance. A definite schedule will be given in the Final Program. These excursions and shows are free of charge for the registered accompanying persons only.
Travel to Belgrade:
The Belgrade International Airport is located some 20 km from the City of Belgrade.
There is a regular bus service from/to airport to/from the town Terminal, in front of the Hotel "Slavija".
Taxis and international car rental services are available at the airport as well as in town.
From the major European cities there is a daily direct rail and bus service to Belgrade.
You can also come to Belgrade by car. There is an underground parking lot near the conference venue (15 Dinars per hour).
Visa formalities:
For the citizens of practically all European countries, USA., Canada , Australia,
New Zealand, most of South America countries (except Brazil) an entry visa is
not required. For some Eastern European countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.) an
invitation letter might be necessary; it can be sent, upon request, by LOC.
Citizens of other countries are kindly requested to contact the nearest Serbian
and Montenegro Consulate in their countries for the information about visa formalities. Please
consult web page http://www.mfa.gov.yu for necessary
visa information.
A valid passport is in all cases required.
In Belgrade Serbian language is in official use. Both , Cyrillic and Latin alphabet are common. English, is spoken by many people on the streets and shops and it is compulsory in hotels, tourist offices and airport.
The Serbian currency is Dinar. The notes in use are 5000, 1000, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 and coins are 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 Dinar and 50 paras (1/100). At the present moment the approx. rate of exchange is 68 Dinars per 1 Euro. Participants may change their convertible currencies in dinars in all hotels, banks, exchange offices , travel agencies and airport. The rates are very similar everywhere. Major international credit cards such as Visa, Master Card, and Diners Club are generally accepted by hotels, airlines, travel agencies, restaurants and many department stores and shops.
In September in Serbia and Montenegro the Central European Summer time is in use. It means GMT +2.
Weather and clothes:
The weather in September is likely to be fairly mild and warm, with perhaps very rare showers. The most suitable clothing for this time of the year would be light-weight clothes.
Numerous Belgrade locations are attractive for excursions because of their
natural beauty and, in many cases of their historical and cultural importance.
Among many available excursions LOC is planning to organize
a half-day tour to National Park of Fruska Gora with visit to some famous monasteries
and very picturesque town of Novi Sad. On Sunday, Sept. 5, a full-day excursion
to South-west of Serbia with visit to some well-known monasteries is planned
to be organized. Excursions are optional and their price will be given in Final
Other destinations, such as Oplenac, the Iron Gates at Djerdap (Danube), naive painters village Kovacica,
monument of Unknown Soldier at Avala etc. are also available.
Before and after the Colloquium 197, a visit to Montenegro and Adriatic coast is also very attractive and possible to organize.
Main astronomical institutes in Belgrade:
About Belgrade and Serbia:
Please consult the web page: links
Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium:
Please note that from August 30 to September 2, 2004 another meeting of interest will be held in Belgrade. It is the Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium: PALEOCLIMATE AND THE EARTH CLIMATE SYSTEM organized by Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. Registered participants of the IAU Colloquium 197 can follow the lectures at the Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium without paying the Symposium fee.
Warm welcome!
Any questions please send to: zoran@aob.bg.ac.rs
Page last modified : 29-June-2004 |
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